What is Eric?

Eric is a full featured Python editor and IDE, written in Python. It is based on the cross platform Qt UI toolkit, integrating the highly flexible Scintilla editor control. It is designed to be usable as everdays' quick and dirty editor as well as being usable as a professional project management tool integrating many advanced features Python offers the professional coder. eric includes a plug-in system, which allows easy extension of the IDE functionality with plug-ins downloadable from the net.

Eric is also an open source Python Editor and IDE. It comes with most of the features that a programmer will require for efficient programming. Like Spyder, it is also written purely in Python. It is based on the Qt GUI toolkit and it can be easily integrated to the powerful Scintilla editor control. Supports embedding Python code within a regular Java/Kotlin app, or writing an app entirely in Python with full access to the Android API. PyObjC: MacOSX: 6.2.2: 2020-07-08: Supports Cocoa Aqua GUIs on the Mac: PyMUI: MorphOS: 0.7.0: 2013-12-27: LGPL MagicUserInterface wrapper for Python. Support for MorphOS 2.x.(Python 2.7) pywin32.
When comparing the size of a directory with Unix and python, I have slightly different results (5% smaller with 'disk usage'). (all my subfolders are readable; I work under Mac OSX Mountain lion, python version 2.7.2) Here is my code. PyCharm is a professional IDE Suite which is offered in two different versions.
Eric Python Ide Download
Current stable version is eric6 based on PyQt5 (with Qt5) and Python 3.
Eric Python Ide Mac
- Unlimited number of editors
- Configurable window layout
- Configurable syntax hilighting
- Sourcecode autocompletion
- Sourcecode calltips
- Sourcecode folding
- Brace matching
- Error highlighting
- Advanced search functionality including project wide search and replace
- Integrated class browser
- Integrated version control interface for Mercurial, Subversion and Git repositories (as core plug-ins)
- Integrated cooperation functions (chat, shared editor)
- Integrated sourcecode documentation system
- Integrated Python debugger including support to debug multi-threaded and multi-processing applications
- Integrated profiling and code coverage support
- Integrated automatic code checkers (syntax, errors and style [PEP-8])
- Integrated task (ToDo items) management
- Advanced project management facilities
Eric Python Download
- Interactive Python shell including syntax hilighting and autocompletion
- Application diagrams
- Running external applications from within the IDE
- Integrated unittest support
- Integrated CORBA support based on omniORB
- Integrated support for Google protobuf
- Integrated 'Virtual Environment' management
- Integrated support for Python Package Management (pip)
- Integrated rope refactoring tool (as optional plug-in)
- Integrated interface to various packagers (as optional plug-ins)
- Integrated interface to PyLint (as optional plug-in)
- Many integrated wizards for regex and Qt dialogs (as core plug-ins)
- Localizations: Currently Eric is available in English, German, Russian, and Spanish.
- Tools for previewing Qt forms and translations
- Integrated Web Browser
- Integrated interface to the enchant spell checking library
- ...many, many more not mentioned here