
Comprehensive list of Pro Tools shortcuts can be found in 'Pro Tools Shortcuts Guide' (part of Pro Tools documentation).

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1. File Menu
+NNew session...
+OOpen session...
+Shift+OOpen recent
+Shift+WClose session
+Option+BBounce to - Disk...
Option+Shift+IImport - Session data...
+Shift+IImport - Audio...
+Option+IImport - MIDI...
+Option+Shift+IImport - Video...
+PPrint score...

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2. Edit Menu
+Option+ZRestore last selection
Ctrl+Shift+XCut special - Cut clip gain
Ctrl+Shift+CCopy special - Copy clip gain
Option+MPaste special - Merge
+Option+VPaste special - Repeat to fill selection
+Ctrl+VPaste special - To current automation type
Ctrl+Shift+BClear special - Clear clip gain
+ASelect all
Option+Shift+5Selection - Change timeline to match edit
Option+Shift+6Selection - Change edit to match timeline
Option+[Selection - Play edit
Option+]Selection - Play timeline
+Shift+EInsert silence
+TTrim clip - To selection
Option+Shift+7Trim clip - Start to selection
Option+Shift+8Trim clip - End to selection
+ESeparate clip - At selection
+HHeal separation
Option+Shift+3Consolidate clip
+MMute clips
+UStrip silence
Option+Shift+UTCE edit to timeline selection
+Option+HAutomation - Copy to send...
+Option+TAutomation - Thin
+/Automation - Write to current
+Option+/Automation - Write to all enabled
+Shift+/Automation - Trim to current
+Option+Shift+/Automation - Trim to all enabled
Option+/Automation - Glide to current
Option+Shift+/Automation - Glide to all enabled
+FFades - Create...
Option+DFades - Fade to start
Option+GFades - Fade to end

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3. View Menu
+Option+MNarrow mix

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4. Track Menu
Option+KSet record tracks to input only
+Option+FScroll to track...
Option+CClear all clip indicators

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5. Clip Menu
+LEdit lock/unlock
Option+Ctrl+LTime lock/unlock
Option+Shift+BSend to back
Option+Shift+FBring to front
+Option+Ctrl+NumPad0Rating - None
+Option+Ctrl+NumPad1..5Rating - 1..5
+,Identify/Remove sync point
+0 (zero)Quantize to grid
Option+NumPad5Elastic properties

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6. Event Menu
Option+NumPad1Time operations - Time operations window
Option+NumPad2Tempo operations - Tempo operations window
Option+NumPad3Event operations - Event operations window
Option+0 (zero)Event operations - Quantize...
Option+PEvent operations - Change duration...
Option+TEvent operations - Transpose...
Option+YEvent operations - Select/split notes...
Option+NumPad4MIDI real-time properties
+NumPad8Beat detective
+IIdentify beat...
+Shift+.All MIDI notes off

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7. Options Menu
Option+LLoop record
+JTransport online
+Shift+JVideo track online
+Shift+LLoop playback
+Ctrl+PDynamic transport
Shift+/Link timeline and edit selection
+Option+PAuto-spot clips
Ctrl+Shift+TEdit/Tool mode keyboard lock

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8. Setup Menu

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9. Window Menu
+Option+JConfigurations - Window configuration list
+Option+Ctrl+WHide all floating windows
+WClose window
Ctrl+=MIDI editor
Option+Ctrl+=Score editor
Option+=MIDI event list
Option+NMIDI editors - Bring to front
Option+Shift+NMIDI editors - Send to back
Option+'Task manager
Option+JBrowsers - Bring to front
Option+Shift+JBrowsers - Send to back
+NumPad3Big counter
+NumPad5Memory locations
+NumPad7Video universe

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10. Misc.
Shift+SpaceHalf-speed playback
+Shift+Space, Shift+F12Half-speed record
Ctrl+Option++Up or Down Arrow KeyResizes all tracks to the same size in the Edit window

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